Rental Housing

All rental properties within the City of Hastings are regulated by City ordinance Chapter 157, which was adopted by City Council in 1995. This ordinance is intended to protect, preserve and promote public health, safety and welfare and is part of the Property Maintenance Ordinance.      

Looking to have your rental property licensed?

View all necessary Rental Housing Forms

Recycling Requirements for Multiunit Residential Properties

Dakota County requires all business entities to recycle, and some must also collect food scraps. Business and multifamily property owners and managers are responsible for ensuring collection and hauling services are provided to tenants.


Multifamily residential buildings with four or more attached residential units and a common waste contract must meet collection and recycling requirements, including:


  1. Have recycling service
    Contract with a trash hauler for recycling collection services or self-haul recyclables to a recycling facility. Recycling containers must have a capacity equivalent to at least 0.1 cubic yard per week for each dwelling unit.  Work with your hauler to increase service levels if carts or dumpsters are overflowing.

  2. Collect designated materials
    Provide recycling containers in buildings and on grounds to collect Dakota County’s Designated Recyclables from employees and residents.

  3.  Locate recycling containers with trash containers
    Wherever there is a trash container or chute, there must be a recycling container or chute within 10 feet on all outdoor grounds and in all common areas. Recycling containers must be large enough to collect all recyclables, and not overflowing.

  4. Label containers
    Label each indoor and outdoor container according to Dakota County labeling requirements. Replace labels if they become damaged, unreadable or if text or images conflict with county label requirements. 

  5.  Provide recycling education
    Deliver standardized recycling education at least once a year to residents, employees and contractors who manage waste. Provide education to new residents, staff and contractors within 30 days of move-in or hire and within 30 days of a substantial change to the waste and recycling program. Education must cover what and how to recycle in accordance with requirements listed on Dakota County’s website.


Multifamily Recycling Program

  • Dakota County provides technical assistance, in-person education and funding to start or improve recycling at apartments, condominiums, townhomes, and independent senior living. Learn more.